90 Hryhorii Dzhahupov
national security8. D.O. Bezzubov adds another level – ‘public safety’.9 Security of so-
ciety, according to Ya. A. Zhalilo, provides the existence of social institutions, norms
and developed forms of social consciousness that allows realizing the rights and free-
doms of all groups of the population and counteracting the division of society.10
‘Social security’ (societal security – ‘social’, ‘public’ and ‘sociological’) – is
a general term for dening eorts to overcome modern threats to public security. The
concept of ‘social security’ was formed as a result of awareness of the phenomena
of identity and cohesion of society as sources of instability. Public security is a new
dimension that is now being created. It must ll the gap between national security and
human security.11
National security is a multifaceted concept that covers defence, environmental,
energy, food and other security. However, it is impossible to achieve any level of mili-
tary security or social harmony without a powerful and ecient economy.12 V.A. Lip-
kan says that national security as the system of fundamental, typical properties of any
country embodies all spheres and areas of life and development of man, society, state
and nature. In terms of content, its components are information, intellectual, political,
military, economic, state, environmental and other elements of national security.13
As well as the security of an individual, which consists in the formation of a set of le-
gal and moral norms, social institutions and organizations are allowed develop and reali-
ze their own social abilities and needs, without being opposed by the state and society.14
In turn, the security of every individual is a component of the security of society
as a whole. The dynamic transformations of the world system, states and societies,
crises and instability, which are their consequences, cause various threats – global
problems, uneven economic development, terrorism and other forms of risk that de-
prives individuals of condence in the future. Accordingly, individuals try to restore
this condence, and therefore independently, or in cooperation with others, build such
a security system that would guarantee it and society the highest possible level. The
security of the individual, which is a response to such human needs, covers more and
more areas of human life, and therefore is embedded in a security system that includes
8 YA. Zhalilo, Stratehiya zabezpechennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny. Prioritety ta prob-
lemy implementatsiyi / Zhalilo YA, Stratehiya natsionalʹnoyi bezpeky Ukrvyiny v konteksti dos-
vidu svitovoyi spilʹnoty, K.: Sat·sanha 2001, s. 78.
9 D.O. Bezzubov, Suspilʹna bezpeka (orhanizatsiyno-pravovi zasady zabezpechennya) : monohra-
ya, K. : «MP Lesya», 2013. s. 50.
10 YA. Zhalilo, Stratehiya zabezpechennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny. Prioritety ta proble-
my implementatsiyi, Zhalilo YA, Stratehiya natsionalʹnoyi bezpeky Ukrvyiny v konteksti dosvidu
svitovoyi spilʹnoty, K.: Sat·sanha 2001, s. 23.
11 Bezpeka suspilʹstva u rehioni Rumuniya–Ukrayina–Respublika Moldova: trystoronniy pidkhid /
Prohrama Skhid-Skhid: «Partnerstvo bez kordoniv». Bukharest– Kyshyneu–Kyyiv: B.v., 2008,
s. 4–8.
12 Profesiynyy ryzyk v diyalʹnosti pratsivnykiv podatkovoyi militsiyi: navch. posib, [O.A. Dolhyy,
M.T. Zadoyanyy, V.P. Kroshko ta in.]; pid red. O.O. Spyrydonova, K.: Atika-N 2002, c. 141.
13 V.A. Lipkan, Natsionalʹna bezpeka i natsionalʹni interesy Ukrvyiny, Lipkan V.A. K.: KNT 2006,
s. 68, (Seriya «Natsionalʹna i mizhnarodna bezpeka»).
14 D.O. Bezzubov, Suspilʹna bezpeka (orhanizatsiyno-pravovi zasady zabezpechennya): monohra-
ya, K.: «MP Lesya», 2013, s. 452.