51Public International Law in the Times of New Challenges and a New Types of Conicts
estimated that the boy must be hospitalized immediately, otherwise he might die.
There are 4 adults in the group and 4 children (Yemeni citizens)”.1 Later, in another
publication, we learned that Polish soldiers did not help the boy and his group,
they did not even give them the water they asked for. We have heard a lot of simi-
lar stories, or even worse, about the so-called pushback, i.e. expelling migrants
(adults and children) back to the forest to the border with Belarus. Due to the small-
er scale of the problem and the war in the Ukraine, this problem has now become
less visible. The Border Guard has reported attacks by Belarusian authorities. For
instance, in the area of Czeremcha in Podlasie, Belarusian soldiers attacked Polish
ocers. As a result of the incident, two people were injured: a Border Guard ocer
and a soldier. A Border Guard vehicle was also damaged.2 However, this kind of
information is of secondary importance now.
It was very dicult to assess the situation with migrants and refugees because
the actions of the Polish authorities were not transparent. The Polish authorities did
not want to allow Frontex to become involved in regulating this situation, and at
the time of greatest pressure, the Polish authorities made unfortunate statements about
banning journalists from entering the border area. Former Deputy Minister of Foreign
Aairs, Piotr Wawrzyk, a deputy from the ruling Law and Justice party in Poland, said
that the journalists may go to Belarus and report situation from there. Moreover, it was
said the ban on journalists staying in the border zone was for their safety. This cannot
be taken seriously because journalists work in more dangerous places, even where
active hostilities are taking place.3
In addition, from the beginning of the crisis at the border to the present day
the legal situation at the border has been changing signicantly. The ban on staying
in 183 localities near the border with Belarus, eective from 1 December 2021, was
extended until 30 June 2022. As the Polish Constitution did not allow for another
extension of the state of emergency, the government amended The Border Protec-
tion Act, which made it possible to introduce a temporary ban on staying in the bor-
der area. The ordinance of the Minister of the Interior and Administration conrmed
the existing restrictions in this area, and the appendix contained a list of the zones
that was subject to the ban. The list included 115 localities in the Podlaski Region
and 68 in the Lubelski Region. Then, on 1 July 2022, a ban was introduced on ap-
proaching the Polish-Belarusian border in the Podlasie region at a distance of less
than two hundred metres, rst valid until 15 September, then extended until 30 No-
vember and nally until the end of 2022. This ban replaced wider restrictions related to
1 Grupa Granica: Nieprzytomny nastolatek leży od dwóch dni pod granicą, po stronie Białorusi,
-nastolatek-lezy-od-dwoch-dni-pod.html, [accessed: 08.12.2021].
2 Białoruskie służby zaatakowały polskich funkcjonariuszy Straży Granicznej, https://www.
[accessed: 13.07.2022].
3 Wiceszef MSZ: Polscy dziennikarze mogą jechać na Białoruś i stamtąd relacjonować kryzys
na granicy, https://www.rp.pl/polityka/art19087821-wiceszef-msz-polscy-dziennikarze-moga-
-jechac-na-bialorus-i-stamtad-relacjonowac-kryzys-na-granicy, [accessed: 15.08.2022].