80 Piotr Pawlak
ow of information and knowledge that the pioneers of information society theory
would like to see. Despite the still numerous negative phenomena, the noticeable
positive trends can be seen as a promising prognosis. The dialogue between politi-
cal subject culture and participatory culture does not exist at the present time.24
With the outbreak of war, however, the implicit, long-term and planned destruc-
tive inuence of the former on the latter came to an end. This does not mean, of
course, a stopping or diminishing of the propaganda message, but a gradually
increasing resistance to its inuence by Western societies.
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24 From the point of view of authoritarians, such dialogue is always a critical threat. See: Radkie-
wicz, P., Authoritarianism and Ockham’s razor, Warsaw 2012.