163Smart Society, Education. New Forms of „Information Society” Education...
various websites, lling in forms, sending e-mails, adding various attachments, vide-
os, photos, comments, etc., thus sharing our emotions, views, preferences, problems,
location, nances, needs, family situation, health data, data about our address, marital
status and information about our absence from home. It is clear that the information
we leave about ourselves on the web can become subject to, for example, hacking at-
tacks or targeted algorithms.
Current forms of training
It seems natural that as a society aspiring to become society 5.010 with the develop-
ment of technology we should acquire knowledge, shape and develop our awareness,
responsibility, skills, e.g. information and cognitive skills, which are the foundations
for the functioning of the information society and the knowledge society.11 There is
a mutual correlation between these two types of societies, because having an amount
of data implies the need to be able to manage it, transform it, build logical relation-
ships from it, to have knowledge, understood as the totality of human skills or a given
mind, but also a body of knowledge in a certain eld and consisting of information
systematised and placed in context, processed through the prism of our experience,
i.e. it is an appropriate analysis and synthesis of information.
It should be noted that having information is not the same as having knowl-
edge. Knowledge implies, among other things, that, with knowledge, we can judge
which information is true or not. So, given the direction we are going in, and that infor-
mation technology allows us to absorb information more eciently, can we conclude
that we are becoming better at using the information we have? Is it possible to uphold
the assumption of social philosophers that free access to information on any subject is
a sucient condition for forming opinions and making judgements, and consequently
for making informed decisions and being a responsible Internet user?
According to some researchers, the fact that information has such important func-
tions in modern society also has negative consequences. No society has suered from
such an overabundance of information and T. H. Eriksen, for example, argues that
the basic skill to be developed in today’s world is to be on guard against 99.99% of
the information reaching us and to focus on the reliable use of the remaining 0.01%.12
It is worth remembering that it is people who decide how to dispose of information
and in this their role is irreplaceable. It is not in the use of technology that the main
source of danger lies, the problem is that people may stop wanting to think, e.g. due to
so-called “information overload.”13 The lack, or rather the low level of information cul-
ture and education, and the implementation of concepts of social development that are
10 Society 5.0 – a human-centred society in which economic progress containing solutions to so-
cial issues is balanced by a system oering high integration of digital and real space, https://sek-
tor3-0.pl/blog/japonski-czlowiek-nowej-ery-czyli-spoleczenstwo-5-0/, [accessed: 03.01.2022].
11 Toer, A., Toer, H., Budowa nowej cywilizacji, Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 1996.
12 Eriksen, T.T., Tyranny of the Moment, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warsaw 2003, p. 33.
13 Toer, A., Future shock, Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 1998, p. 41 .