Freedom seems to be not only an immanent, but even a constitutive feature of the virtual space in which the Internet functions. Based on current observations and current events, threats resulting from the general ability to publish opinions on the Internet have been indicated. This article does not aspire to be a comprehensive explication of the impact of new technologies on the functioning of societies in a holistic dimension, it is rather an attempt at exegesis of one of its areas - concerning the evolution of human interactions under the influence of new technologies. The author addresses various aspects of threats to freedom on the Internet so that the obtained understanding is comprehensive and objective, far from being a one-sided and schematic simplification. The Internet is by definition an egalitarian communication tool, a space for free creation and flow of content, limited only by technology and human imagination, the boundaries of which cannot be defined. The article indicates the need to consolidate the efforts of experts from many areas: security; psychology; law, as it appertains to freedom of society in the security space.
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